Saturday, May 9, 2009

LittleB at 5 weeks

LittleB has started losing her hair (it actually started to fall out toward the end of week 4) and growing in lighter hair.  I think she is going to be a blonde just like her mommy! :D   I am hoping her eyes stay the color they are now because they are so pretty, but I guess we'll see.  I am just so blessed to have such a good baby.  She usually only gets fussy right before bedtime.  Then once's she falls asleep she will sleep until I wake her to eat.  Something funny she does sometimes at night is babble until she falls asleep.  Don't you just wish you knew what baby said?!  We took her in on Saturday May 9th to get weighed - she now weighs 9 lbs and 6 oz which is a gain of 11 oz in 9 days!  Something we have discovered is we can't use off-brand wipes because they cause her to break out.  It's also a sad time because I had to box up her newborn clothing.

I hope every mom has a wonderful Mother's day!



We are excited about church!


She's too young for this toy, but that is cute!


I bet you can't tell who dressed her!  :D


She smiles more for me than R.  I think R gets a little jealous.  :D



LittleB dressed up for her weigh in.



I wonder what she's thinking?!



I love it when she cuddles.



1 comment:

  1. Cute! Ben lost his hair about the same time. All he had left was a little patch in the back, the ultimate skullet! It's just now starting to really grow back at 4.5 months.


No names allowed. Use B, R, and LittleB please. Thank you. :)