Since the last post I have been a picture taking fool. So enjoy all the pictures! LittleB started walking more on March 13, 2010, when she went from mommy to daddy back to mommy without falling and mommy and and daddy were on each side of the room. She likes to hold one of your hands and move around a lot, too. However, she still uses crawling as her main transportation. She has figured out how to take off her tray (the one that clicks on over the main one) on her high chair and likes to make a game out of it. So I decided to just leave it off.
She loves to crawl and have you chase after her or play hide-n-seek. Another favorite game of hers is to hide her face behind the curtains and play peek-a-boo. I am so excited for all the fun things we can do this summer! One of mommy’s favorites is walking into her room first thing in the morning and seeing her so excited to see me. That just makes my morning (although in LittleB’s mind she’s probably thinking I’m so excited to get out of here)! Her new thing at the moment is brushing her teeth. Hopefully she continues to like doing it! :D
Her first pony tail! (I think she was right at 11 months)
Playing with her crown.
She didn’t want to stop!
Enjoying the nice weather.
Just a-swinging!
Loves to swing!
LittleB and some cousins (one is about 3 months younger).
Playing with a cousin.
Posing for the camera.
I guess you can take another picture mommy.
And she’s out!
Sooooo sleepy
Brushing her teeth.
Mommy, I climbed in here all by myself!
Playing at the mall with her friends.
Look at those cute little girls! :D
Playing with daddy’s St. Patrick’s beads. She was so excited to see daddy (just long enough to get what she wanted). :D
LittleB looking all kewl!