Well, just a quick update on LittleB for those of you who would like to know. LittleB will grab onto things and try to pull herself up but needs help to actually get in the standing position. She also will be laying down and try really hard to sit up but of course doesn't have the strength yet to do it. She is sitting up really well! She's still not crawling and no teeth yet. She has actually been in a good mood lately so I'm thinking that maybe the teething is letting up for now. LittleB will be 6 months on Friday! WOW, it sure doesn't seem like she should be a half of a year already! R and I think her looks are changing again so I'm sure they will probably keep changing for awhile. Most of these pictures were taken last weekend and this weekend. Enjoy!!!
I love to stand up!
Supporting our team on game day!
I'm sitting up pretty good!
Grabbing her dog Kay Kay.
Checking something out at Heritage Days in Tecumseh.
I love how she pulls her self up and gets interested in things.
Hanging out at Heritage Days.
Playing in the grass for the 1st time ever.
Having fun in the grass!
She's getting so big!