May 31, 2009
Just wanted to share some more pictures of LittleB in her cute dress. I just love to dress her up and take pictures. R actually took these pictures. Hope you enjoy them!! :D
Daddy said she pulled her headband off.
The adventures of B and R Reynolds and their children.
May 31, 2009
Just wanted to share some more pictures of LittleB in her cute dress. I just love to dress her up and take pictures. R actually took these pictures. Hope you enjoy them!! :D
Daddy said she pulled her headband off.
LittleB will be two months on Tuesday! She also goes in for her two month check-up that day. I am not looking forward to it because she has to get shots, but I am excited to see how much she has grown.
She is so cute to wake up to in the mornings because she just smiles and laughs at you in the morning. She starts my day off great by giving me the little smiles and laughs, it's the small things in life that matter the most! Plus, how could you not be in a good mood to wake up to something like that?! She brings so much joy to our lives!
On another note, she is such an active baby. We had to stop using her body wedge this week because she just wiggles right out of it. I guess she decided she didn't need it anymore.
Also this week, we decided to try to include some video for your enjoyment (at the bottom)!
Smiles :D
This is how we have been finding her in the mornings.
LittleB with daddy.
I'm a big girl now.
Don't you love my shirt?! :D
Being a Happy Baby!!
It has been quite the week! Wednesday night when I gave LittleB a bath she decided she wanted to poop it her bathtub. She really does like baths; maybe that's her way of getting more time in the water. :D
She is also becoming more active when she sleeps at night. I have been finding her in totally different positions! Soon she will be rolling over! She also will not let me cover her arms and hands, and most of the time she kicks and wiggles her way out from under the covers.
I also noticed she is starting to develop a personality. She doesn't get upset very often but when she does she lets you know! She will stick out her bottom lip and give us a pouty look and turn bright red in the face!!
Have a fun and safe Memorial weekend!
LittleB with her cousin that is 1 month and 1 day younger than her.
She loves her swing!
She doesn't know what to think.
Why do you keep taking my picture?!
She actually kept her house slippers on.
She's doing putting good sitting up!
A little smile.
It's crazy that LittleB is at her 6 weeks mark. I have noticed that she is starting to pay attention to objects and smiling more, but other than that she hasn't changed that much since last week. We are very anxious to see who she will end up looking like.
If I wasn't able to stay home with her it would be harder for me to blog about all the great things she does. I am so lucky to have the option to stay home! I just couldn't imagine not being with my baby everyday. Plus, I wouldn't be able to take all the wonderful pictures to share with everyone. Last week was my first week with my home daycare. I am watching one other child so it keeps me very busy.
I also had a great first Mother's Day. R made breakfast, then asked me to make a list of things I wanted done around the house and he did them for me. I even got a nap, which I don't get anymore. Then for dinner we went to Cracker Barrel. It was a great and wonderful day that I won't forget and I'm looking forward to many more. I am so blessed to have a wonderful loving husband and a beautiful daughter!
LittleB during tummy time.
Look at that long girl.
The smile that makes me smile.
Such a happy baby!
LittleB has started losing her hair (it actually started to fall out toward the end of week 4) and growing in lighter hair. I think she is going to be a blonde just like her mommy! :D I am hoping her eyes stay the color they are now because they are so pretty, but I guess we'll see. I am just so blessed to have such a good baby. She usually only gets fussy right before bedtime. Then once's she falls asleep she will sleep until I wake her to eat. Something funny she does sometimes at night is babble until she falls asleep. Don't you just wish you knew what baby said?! We took her in on Saturday May 9th to get weighed - she now weighs 9 lbs and 6 oz which is a gain of 11 oz in 9 days! Something we have discovered is we can't use off-brand wipes because they cause her to break out. It's also a sad time because I had to box up her newborn clothing.
I hope every mom has a wonderful Mother's day!
We are excited about church!
She's too young for this toy, but that is cute!
I bet you can't tell who dressed her! :D
She smiles more for me than R. I think R gets a little jealous. :D
LittleB dressed up for her weigh in.
I wonder what she's thinking?!
I love it when she cuddles.
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