Thursday, April 30, 2009

LittleB is 4 weeks today!


Thursday April 30, 2009 LittleB is 4 weeks old. It's crazy how fast the time is going. I just can't believe how much my little girl is growing. I took her in today to get her weighed and she is now 8lbs 10oz and 22 1/2 inches long. She is becoming more alert and staying up for a few hours at a time. I have also noticed that she keeps her hands open more and doing pretty good at holding her head up during tummy time. Before long she will be rolling and crawling!!












Sunday, April 26, 2009

Things That LittleB is Starting To Do at 3 weeks

On Wednesday April 22, 2009, I was holding LittleB while she was sleeping and she started laughing (more like a little giggling) in her sleep.  She also did the exact same thing the following day.  She loves to smile, and it's so cute even if she is just passing gas or peeing.  We have also noticed this week that she is starting to coo.  A more exciting thing she has started to do is sleep during the night.  She is sleeping for four to five hours at a time during the night and that is with me waking her up to feed her.  I also took her in on Friday April, 24, 2009 and weighed her and she weighed 8.7 pounds! My baby is growing so fast...

My little Cheerleader! :D
Heading to a friend's baby shower.
Dressed up for church.



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little B and her first bath (2 weeks and 5 days old)



At first Little B didn't like the water as you can tell from the first picture.  Then she seem to not mind it so much.  I guess we will find out when she gets her second bath.  :D






Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sign That My Kid is Becoming Independent

Last week LittleB was getting changed. She reached down, grabbed her umbilical cord, and pulled it off.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter and Family Pictures

On Saturday April 11, 2009 we decided to go to Sears to take professional pictures as a family.  We were very excited (or at least B was) to get them taken.   We decided to get some taken with the Easter bunny since it was so close to Easter.  That's about the extent of what we felt comfortable doing with a newborn on her first holiday.  :D

LittleB 9 days old with the Easter bunny.
LittleB and Daddy holding hands.
sweet_bailey bailey
sweet_baby_girl little_b
Mommy and Daddy holding LittleB's hands.
Family picture with LittleB (9 days old).

Mommy and Daddy kissing LittleB.

LittleB looking like a doll in her Easter dress.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

More Pictures From the First Week

So things have finally settled down with all of the family coming and going recently. In the process LittleB has been a champ and stays calm through everything except diaper changes and right around 4AM.  Enjoy!

Right around 10PM she gets really active.


We are getting ready to go weigh her at the hospital.  She weighed in at 7lbs 5oz. Getting close to birth weight again.


Today was the first day to try bottle-feeding and I got to do the honors. She kept some of it down, but spit up the rest.


Here she is all dressed for bed time. We love zippers for nighties. They are great for the aforementioned 4AM fussiness.



Diapers, Diapers, Diapers!


A few weeks ago I knew very little about changing diapers. Now I am becoming pretty much an expert through repetition.  We were told that we would go through diapers fast, but good night!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Labor was like….



On Wednesday April 1, 2009 I thought I might have sprung a leak around noon. I wasn’t too concerned because I didn’t have any pain beside the back pain that I’ve had all along. Plus I had a check up at 4:10 PM that afternoon. When I went in for the appointment my doctor told me that my water had broke and I need to go home and pack then go to the hospital. Of course R spoke up and said we already had our bags in the car. So my doctor said she would call the hospital to let them know we would be in. I was really hoping that LittleB was going to wait until April 2, 2009 because that was my due date and my doctor was going to be on call (and I REALLY wanted her to deliver LittleB).

After we left the doctor’s office I told R that we needed to go get something to eat before we went to the hospital and that I wanted to go home and relax a little. I still wasn’t having any pain but couldn’t take a nap because I was so nervous/anxious about the process of labor.

Around 9:30 PM I told R to call the hospital and see if we could just wait until the morning to come in or if I needed to come in that night. They said to come in right away because once your water has broken you can get infections and increase your chance of having a c-section. I still wasn’t having any pain but decided we should head in because I didn’t want anything bad to happen.

We arrived to the hospital around 10:00 PM and checked in. They decided to start me on some pitocin because I was only dilated to a 2. The contractions started once I received the pitocin it felt like REALLY bad period craps but every 2-3 minutes. I was on that for a couple of hours and once I reach to a 4 I was able to get an epidural. I was so nervous about getting an epidural but by the time I got it I was so tired that I was excited about it and it didn’t even hurt. I would compare it to a bee sting. It was probably around 2:30AM- 3:00AM when I received it. The nurse told me to try to get some rest before I needed to start pushing, but that didn’t happen. I was too excited to meet LittleB.

After I received the epidural I started to dilate and went from a 4 to an 8 in a couple of hours. Soon after I started pushing at 5:45 AM and was really hoping that my doctor would make it for the delivery. She was starting her shift at 7:00 AM. My doctor did make it but I had to not push on a few contractions just so my doctor could get in the room. That was very challenging!!! I thought it was so awesome that LittleB came on her due date and she was delivered by her doctor. The pushing was a lot of work but was totally worth it and wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. However I do recommend an epidural to any first time mommies!!!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Some More Pictures of LittleB

We started to learn last night and today exactly about the sleeplessness everyone has been telling us about. I thought I could handle it with all of my military training, but LittleB is teaching me quickly that this kind of sleep depravation is unlike anything I've seen already.  We'll see how much better it gets in the next two weeks. Enjoy some more pictures, including a picture of daddy pretending to be sleeping.





Thursday, April 2, 2009

LittleB says Hello World!

LittleB was on born on April 02, 2009, at 07:29AM weighing in a 7lbs 11oz and a length of 21 inches! Everyone is doing okay. Here are a few pictures.





